Indoor plant which act as air purifier

We all know that trees are the source of oxyzen which we breath for living. Bt day by day the planet becoming more harsh place to live. Why don't we start to plantation more and more. Though we need lots of space outdoor for big trees, we have some option for indoor also. There are some plants which can grow within indoor environment. If we keep those plant indoore it also helps to purify the indoor air.

There are some plants which can grow within indoor environment without any issue.

Duis euismod diam non pulvinar aliquam. Etiam in ante ultricies, tempus velit sit amet, condimentum nulla. Pellentesque non consequat nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Fun Facts

  • Integer risus augue, tincidunt sed tempus ac, laoreet ut lorem. Proin turpis ante, auctor ut odio ac, porta dignissim neque.
  • Donec semper cursus turpis et malesuada.

Praesent in ipsum vel nunc bibendum faucibus. Vestibulum a aliquam nisi. Proin nec aliquet lectus. Nulla facilisis posuere eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Phasellus eget tincidunt orci. Suspendisse porta dolor sapien, id eleifend sapien lacinia nec. Suspendisse libero magna, tincidunt vitae nunc tempor, ultrices cursus quam. Nulla viverra neque est, in egestas diam porta non. Donec semper accumsan tortor, et tristique sem imperdiet quis. Vestibulum egestas lacus sed rhoncus pretium. Quisque bibendum placerat nisi.

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Biswajit Saha

Biswajit Saha is a very simple person. He likes to ride bicycle when free. Prefers tea over coffee. He is currently writing code at
  • India
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